Interview Follow Up – They Say They Will Contact Me – I have More Options
This is a repost from the LOKGEN news feed. At the conclusion of a solid interview, the school (principal/HOS) says “we’ll be in touch, we have more candidates to interview.” Do you, the candidate, let the school know, you have other interviews lined up?
Here’s the response to the above question from @jfitch119
If you have a strong interest in the school and the interviewing school’s deadline is going to fall AFTER the deadline for a competing offer, then you mention that and indicate your preference for the school who’s still interviewing.
If you’re interviewing without an offer, I wouldn’t mention it unless asked. Verbally and in writing indicate your continued interest, why you’re interested, and why you’d be a good fit.
I’d only ask for a clearer view of the timeline. “If you’re interviewing additional candidates this week, when do you plan to make offers?”
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