Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi testifies in ex-CSO Joe Sullivan’s trial that he fired Sullivan in 2017 because he “could not trust his judgment anymore” (Cade Metz/New York Times)

Cade Metz / New York Times:
Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi testifies in ex-CSO Joe Sullivan’s trial that he fired Sullivan in 2017 because he “could not trust his judgment anymore”  —  Dara Khosrowshahi is a star witness at the trial of Joe Sullivan, who has been accused of obstructing justice for failing to disclose the 2016 breach.

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In a closely watched trial, ex-Uber CSO Joe Sullivan’s lawyers say the company scapegoated him over the 2016 breach after Travis Kalanick’s turbulent exit (Cade Metz/New York Times)

Cade Metz / New York Times:
In a closely watched trial, ex-Uber CSO Joe Sullivan’s lawyers say the company scapegoated him over the 2016 breach after Travis Kalanick’s turbulent exit  —  A federal trial began on Wednesday for Joe Sullivan, a former federal prosecutor who is accused of not disclosing a data breach while at the company.

A US federal court jury finds ex-Uber Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan guilty for not disclosing a 2016 breach of customer and driver records to regulators (Cade Metz/New York Times)

Cade Metz / New York Times:
A US federal court jury finds ex-Uber Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan guilty for not disclosing a 2016 breach of customer and driver records to regulators  —  A jury found Joe Sullivan, who led security at the ride-hailing company, guilty on two different counts.

The trial of former Uber Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan begins this week over allegedly covering up a 2020 data breach and paying off the hackers (New York Times)

New York Times:
The trial of former Uber Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan begins this week over allegedly covering up a 2020 data breach and paying off the hackers  —  Joe Sullivan, Uber’s former chief of security, faces criminal charges for his handling of a 2016 security breach.  His trial this week has divided the security industry.

Some CSOs say ex-Uber CSO Joe Sullivan did nothing wrong and his trial tests criminal penalties they may face over security lapses or challenges in gray areas (Robert McMillan/Wall Street Journal)

Robert McMillan / Wall Street Journal:
Some CSOs say ex-Uber CSO Joe Sullivan did nothing wrong and his trial tests criminal penalties they may face over security lapses or challenges in gray areas  —  Joe Sullivan, a former federal prosecutor, is accused of helping to cover up a security breach, a charge he denies

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Lawrence Abrams / BleepingComputer:
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Chelsey Cox / CNBC:
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